윈도우XP 순수ISO 다운 설치 SP3 32bit 릴리즈2019.8.17
Windows XP Professional SP3 x86 – Integral Edition 2019.8.17
구글에서 까즈자료실 검색하세요.
1.프로그램명: Windows XP Professional SP3 x86 – Integral Edition 2019.8.17
2.라이센스 : 셰어웨어 - 개인/기업
- 시디키를 입력하지 않으면, 설치가 불가합니다.
3.언어 : 영문판
4.제작사 : Microsoft
5.릴리즈 : 2016.6.16
6.시스템 요구사양 :
- 하드 디스크 여유 공간 : 최소 10GB
- 메모리 : 최소 512MB RAM
- 프로세서 : Intel Pentium 4 이상
7. 패키지 내용
- Windows XP 및 POSReady 2009 업데이트 / 핫픽스 2019년 8월 10일까지 패치 포함됨
- POSReady 2009 업데이트 제공
- 기본 영문판으로 설치 후, 한글판 수동으로 패치
2019년 8월 10일까지 모든 최신 Windows XP 및 POSReady 2009 업데이트 / 핫픽스가 포함됩니다 .
업데이트 :
- Windows XP Service Pack 3 (KB936929).
- Windows XP and POSReady 2009 Updates/Hotfixes until 11.6(June).2019.
- Windows Genuine Advantage Validation v1.9.42.0 (KB905474)
- Windows Internet Explorer v8 (Roll Back to 6 possible).
- Windows Media Player v11 (Roll Back to 9 possible).
- Windows Remote Desktop Connection 7.0 (KB969084, KB2813347-v2, KB2870165-v3).
- Windows Rights Management Client (KB979099).
- Windows Driver Frameworks 1.9 - User Mode (KB970158) and Kernel Mode (KB970159).
- Windows Feature Pack for Storage v1.0 (KB952013) - Image Mastering API v2.0 (KB932716-v2, KB952011).
- Windows Feature Pack for Storage v1.0 (KB952013) - ICCD Smart Card Driver.
- Windows Installer v4.5.6002.24298 (KB942288, KB4087398).
- Windows XP exFAT file system driver update package v1.0 (KB955704).
- Windows XP Root Certificates Update [May 2019 v41.0.2195.1905] (KB931125).
- Windows XP Revoked Roots Certificates Update [March 2019 v8.0.2195.1903] (SA3123040).
- Windows XP CAPICOM v2.1.0.2 (KB931906).
- Microsoft European Union Expansion Font Update v1.2.
- Microsoft WinUSB 2.0 (KB971286).
- Microsoft XML Paper Specification Essentials Pack v1.2.
- Microsoft XML Core Services v4.0 SP3 4.30.2117.0 (KB2758694).
- Microsoft Web Folders v12.0.6612.1000 (KB907306, KB2526086/Rosebub).
- Microsoft Windows Browser Choice (KB976002-v5).
- Windows Update v7.6.7600.256.
- Windows Update Web Control v7.6.7600.257.
- Microsoft Update Web Control v7.6.7600.257.
- Microsoft Update Catalog Web Control v7.4.7057.249 (build time-stamp 130620-1021).
Windows XP Runtime Libraries:
- Microsoft DirectX 9.0c End-User Runtimes v9.29.1974 (June 2010).
- Microsoft .NET Framework [Up-to-Date/12.2(February).2019]: 1.1 SP1, 2.0 SP2, 3.0 SP2, 3.5 SP1, 4.0 Full - {Optional}.
- Microsoft Visual C++: 2002 (v7.0.9975), 2003 (v7.10.6119), 2005 SP1 (v8.0.50727), 2008 SP1 (v9.0.30729), 2010 SP1 (v10.40219), 2012 Update 5 (v11.0.61135), 2013 Update 5 (v12.0.40664), 2015-2019 (v14.22.27821).
- Microsoft Visual Basic: v1.00, v2.0.9.8, v3.0.5.38, v4.0.29.24, v5.2.82.44, v6.1.98.39 (SP6 Update KB2911777, KB2992332).
Windows XP Patches/Fixes:
- Extended Update Support Patch v1.0: Extends the Windows XP update support from "April 2014" till at least "April 2019" (POSReady 2009 Updates).
- TCP/IP Patch v1.0: Allows you to have 16777215 (Maximum) Half-Open TCP Connections instead of 10.
- UxTheme Patch v1.0: Allows you to use un-signed Custom Visual Styles (Themes).
- TermSrv Patch v1.0: Allows you to have multiple concurrent remote desktop connections.
- SFC Patch v1.0: Allows you to disable and enable the Windows File Protection with the registry entry "SfcDisable".
- FlpyDisk Patch v5515: Allows Non-standard Floppy Formats.
- SndRec32 Patch v2.0: Fixes a Sound Recorder error message on computers that have more than 2GB of RAM and Increases the Recording Time Limit from 60 Seconds to 999 Seconds.
- Shell32 Patch v1.0: Fixes the missing Icons in the notification area.
- WOW32 Patch v1.0: Fixes the Win 16 Subsystem insufficient resources problem.
- NTDETECT Patch v1.1: Resolves a problem with some buggy BIOS'es, when installing Windows XP with an USB Flash Drive.
- RAID-5 Patch v1.0: Enables Software RAID-5 Support.
- SERVICES Patch v1.0: Includes more assigned port numbers for well-known services defined by IANA.
- MNF4SBF v3.1: Fixes a Microsoft .NET Framework 4 bug that causes a slow Windows XP boot up.
- Fixed missing ClipBook Viewer shortcut in the Start Menu (accessor.inf).
- Fixed missing dll registry entries for the Microsoft Jet and OLE file updates.
설치 동영상
- Windows XP Professional SP3 x86 – Integral Edition 2019.8.17 : 다운로드
- 윈도우XP Professional SP3 x86 – Integral Edition 2020.1.18 : https://ilovegaz.tistory.com/309
- 다른 버젼 보기
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